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Author Terms

Welcome to NulledGo! By becoming an author on our platform, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully to understand your rights and responsibilities.

1. Eligibility

  • You must be at least 18 years old to become an author on NulledGo.
  • You must provide accurate and up-to-date personal and payment information.

2. Content Submission

  • Originality: All submitted content must be your original work and free from third-party rights.
  • Quality: Content must meet NulledGo’s quality standards and guidelines.
  • Approval: NulledGo reserves the right to review, approve, or reject any content submitted.

3. Licensing

  • Grant of License: By submitting content, you grant NulledGo a non-exclusive, worldwide license to market, distribute, and sell your content.
  • Ownership: You retain ownership of your content.

4. Earnings and Payments

  • Revenue Share: Authors will receive a percentage of each sale as specified in their author dashboard.
  • Payment Schedule: Payments are made monthly, provided the minimum payout threshold is met.
  • Taxes: Authors are responsible for any taxes applicable to their earnings.

5. Pricing

  • Setting Prices: Authors can set the prices for their products, subject to NulledGo’s approval.
  • Price Adjustments: NulledGo reserves the right to suggest or modify prices based on market trends.

6. Refunds and Disputes

  • Refund Policy: Authors must adhere to NulledGo’s refund policy. Refunds issued to customers will be deducted from the author’s earnings.
  • Dispute Resolution: NulledGo will mediate disputes between authors and customers, with the final decision resting with NulledGo.

7. Termination

  • Voluntary Termination: Authors can terminate their account at any time by notifying NulledGo.
  • Breach of Terms: NulledGo reserves the right to terminate an author’s account for any breach of these terms or any fraudulent activity.

8. Intellectual Property

  • Respect for IP: Authors must respect intellectual property rights and not submit content that infringes on others' rights.
  • Reporting Violations: If you believe your IP rights have been violated, contact us immediately.

9. Confidentiality

  • Protection of Information: Authors must keep confidential any sensitive information obtained through their association with NulledGo.
  • Non-Disclosure: Unauthorized sharing of confidential information is prohibited.

10. General

  • Compliance: Authors agree to comply with all of NulledGo’s policies and guidelines.
  • Changes to Terms: NulledGo reserves the right to update these terms at any time. Changes will be communicated via email or through our platform.

For any questions or concerns regarding these terms, please contact our support team at support@nulledgo.com.

Thank you for being a part of NulledGo and contributing to our community!

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